Thursday 7 May 2015

Time-Lapse Project

For this module we were given the task of recording and producing work based primarily on photography and image capture, this way of recording our work meant that we had to blog on regular intervals and also produce practical work as evidence of project requirements.

Cardboard box building
we were given the task of creating life size buildings out of cardboard boxes as part of our photographic module, this involved us building flat boxes and stacking the cubes on top of each other to produce a building of some type this could include a house or a bridge Etc, during this time we then produced a big coliseum like ring the housed our wire modal light fixture, this displayed and cast shadows onto the cardboard wall this strongly linked to my research on Christian Boltanski.

 Live window art
For this part of our module we were given the task of tracing the landscape as we saw it the exception was our canvas was the windows and so a time laps had to be created to document our progress, during this time we had to inject our imagination into the drawing incorporating dragons, zombies, abstract patterns and even the occasional UFO. we found with this task that our imagination is what would bring the window art to life and really showed of skill to add our ideas into the actual piece.

for this lesson as one of our first we experimented with cameras and time-lapse effects and so we created an album of time-lapses that was kept by the teacher and marked separately on participation basis, and so we did one of our feet and us moving around a class room. the playback showed a fast blur of legs all going random directions, we also did a funny walk section so we all did strange works and saw them all sped up.

photographic architecture
we were given the task of going around Barnsley and capturing images of the building and architecture by capturing the local area we had inspiration for our next task these images posed as our base for the ideas we were going to incorporate into the actual project.

Cardboard city
using the photos we had taken from the tour round Barnsley we had had to use the boxes from the building task and create miniature and large scale replicas of the images we had taken, for our miniature ideas we creates a building called the Civic which was adapted to our ideas of having loads of geometric shapes cut out and colour plastic sections stuck into it, this is based on the real version which had large windows placed all over it, our other miniature ideas included a collection of buildings loosely based around Barnsley. For our large scale final piece we stuck loads of colour plastic to the windows and cut out loads of abstract shapes into cardboard and stuck this to the window, we used this because when the light shines through it created a spectrum of colour which caught the shapes of our cardboard city very well, we placed white paper on the floor to increase the saturation of colour and give our photos a more HD and radiant effect. by harnessing the light for our final piece we created a moving time-lapse of the light which we gave to the teacher as our audio evaluation.

Artist research
for this project we had to choose some artists that linked to our module below is the list and brief description of why we chose them.

Christian Boltanski
this artist based his work around human tragedy and strongly on the holocaust, by using light and shadows he was able to create his art out of light simply by bending some wire to create his shapes, he then let the light give his pieces there beauty and signature though still showing the sad reality of his work. as evident in our final piece we chose to base it round him because light is often an over looked method of art and it is often an amazing material to work with.

Stanley Spencer
we also chose to base our work round Stanley Spencer, this is because he based his work strongly on his birth place and drew the residence and captured the architecture of his surroundings this idea of using buildings and people in our module was down to the strong factors proposed by this artist.

an artist who based his work at round the build of humans and slotting them together to create huge sculpture and displays. his work plays with the idea that humans are the building blocks to architecture that we see all around us but played it in a more literal way. his way of thinking is my favorite of all the artists because I look to figures for my inspiration and see his work as an idea trigger to help me create my own work.

during this project I felt the time allocated to us was fair and more than enough to complete the allocated tasks required, I felt I managed to get all my blog work to a good standard I also felt that my practical work was up to standard and overall I feel like I have achieved well witching this project

if I could start again I would try to attain more time-lapse based media to put on my blog, but we had reoccurring issues with trying to post or even prove we have the time-lapses due to the slow technology at college.

what I feel I have done well during this module is creating a cardboard city the kept to the plan and also my photographic and capturing the work I had done.

my overall comments for this project are that I felt is was unique in the sense of how we had to approach it and also the way we had to report back our findings, a very enjoyable project for those looking for an alternate view on art.

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