Monday, 23 March 2015

Paper craft

As a side project I chose to study paper crafting and to be specific more the cutting and bending of paper to create an image, this is a short and brief boog of what i did. 

These photos below show example of what I was looking to create 
The next set of photo are what I've created and took inspiration from 
These are a basic and rough out cut that I used to experiment with my next one is my final piece for this short modual

Mini cardboard city

Mono printing


A zoetrope is classed as one of the several pre-film animation devices that produced the illusion of a moving image or motion, by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of the motion, the word zoetrope derives from the Greek word "Zoe" in English terms this is "life" and also "tropos" which means "turning".